Vote Dennis for President 2032

Commander in Chief

Representation of all people makes the world a better place

text-shadow is in the h1 element

gradient is in nav

transition is in nav links

animation is on the figure border

Having worked for the U S Census Bureau, I believe surveys containing questions that are indirectly getting t,o peoples belief systems without setting them off. Data collection through social media and personal interviews are the best method for accomplishing an accurate conclusion. The significance of this study is that biracial people have a story to tell that isn't being documented. Along with the increasing numbers it's becoming more increasingly important. The cultural significance of the third party hearing their voice will lend 2 a better understanding of how we can overcome marginalization. empowering biracial people to overcome poverty and indiscrimination. It will also help biracial people contribute to their societies in a positive meaningful way by allowing them to be all they can be. I'm beginning to write a book and make a movie in 2022 and carry out this project in the fall and spring semesters of 2022/2023.

Passing, “what am I?” the Million dollar question. I like to reframe it ‘who am I’.? Biracial identity is caught between polarized identities of White and Black. Biracial identity is not allowed to exist as it’s own entity in our societies. That’s changing as our numbers grow. The importance of having a label or being categorized so that other people are comfortable with our presence. Being marginalized in America is a major problem for people like me (non-white), and not self identifying, or having a group that defines our identity, allows the establishment s in power to dictate our identity as to whether it’s positive or negative and it’s usually diminished so that they look better. I am a part of a group of ‘Others’ with the same problem, and I am trying to tap them and unite them through a commonality to communicate with each other and identify as a homogeneous group. This identity will be subject to change… but it’s a start.